Recovery@Work Coaching Program


On a FastTrack

So you can overcome indecision in your life or career, create a clear
plan of action to manifest your dreams, all without
getting out of your comfort zone.

If you're a hard working professional looking to take a quantum leap in your career growth while feeling happy, adding value and growing others too, then you already know that you need to be continually in personal growth mode.

You’ve worked hard to get where you are. You’ve overcome a lot of obstacles in your life and you are now a conscientious and reliable person at work. People come to you for support and you help, naturally, because it’s part of who you are to serve people. Sometimes though, it feels like you may be undervalued for the amount of support you give. You realized recently (or for longer than you’d care to admit) that you’ve hit a wall and you are so done with this career. You are not happy anymore. You want more but you’re tired and quite possibly burnt out. And since the pandemic, you’ve been feeling like maybe you shouldn’t rock the boat. Maybe it’s not the right time to make changes. But you know you deserve better.  Perhaps you’ve looked at job postings but are not sure how to make the next move. But you KNOW you have more to offer if someone would just recognize it! You are still waiting to be discovered. There are reasons why you are stuck. 

Maureen Ross Gemme, MS Ed.

What are you

Telling Yourself?

There are many opportunities out there but most likely the problem lies within. Here are some thoughts you may be thinking that could be holding you back from your next best

 >>>  I’m not good enough
This is a common thought that 99% of the human population thinks to some degree. Are you aware of it? Do you question it? This  thought of not feeling good enough is part of the human condition and you can change it.

  >>>  I’m waiting for someone to discover me
We often feel like our work should speak for itself and others should recognize how brilliant or diligent we are.

  >>>  Fear: It feels too hard
Life is complicated with the pandemic. You know it might be uncomfortable to change and it’s probably easier to just put up with long term discomfort over short term pain. 

  >>>  There’s a poor job market
You may be thinking “the economy is bad” and your field is oversaturated with competition. Remember, when you argue for your limitations, they are yours. With an open mind, you can change this belief. 

  >>>  Who am I to think I can help others?
You’ve been through so much and have a lot to share. You have an innate knowing that you could be mentoring or coaching others and yet . . . this little thing called Imposter Syndrome may be holding you back. It’s also keeping you “safe,” yet stuck. There are people out there who NEED what you have to offer!

The 3 Mindset Upgrades/Shifts You Need to Make Right Now To Bring Recovery into Your Career at Work And Do It Without Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone

Mindshift # 1

Beliefs are the number 1 reason why most people get stuck in their situations and feel like they either can’t move forward or that other people will be hurt somehow if they do. We learn at a very early age to make our caretakers happy so that they will love and approve of us. Your underlying beliefs are what may be keeping you stuck at the level you are at.

A belief is simply a thought that you think over and over again. It can be changed. Are your beliefs working for you? Maybe no one ever really took the time to show you HOW to change your beliefs. It’s time you knew.

It’s so important to take responsibility of where you are and making changes in your thought system that you know you need to make. If you were out there “using” for any period of time, or grew up in a difficult childhood, you probably were programmed with many limiting beliefs. You became a survivor and those old beliefs you used to survive are outdated.  You need a Belief Upgrade! This is the ONLY way to create a life that you love to wake up to every day.

Mindshift #2

What is true for you may not be true for someone else, right? Say you think you are a really friendly person and yet perhaps you get feedback that some people are intimidated by you. What is the truth here? It’s perception. However, we all have a blind side and the only way to shrink that blind is to ask other people for their opinion. It doesn’t mean it is always “right” but at least you know how others may perceive you.

The truth here is that the more you dig deep into your own psyche, and understand who you are a core level, you can then be there for others and help them do the same. Personal growth leads to professional growth, especially in leadership. And everyone needs inner leadership.

You are a powerful human being who has access to Divine Inner Wisdom to help you in every area of your life. Your challenges are your Higher Power’s way of giving you clues as to what areas you need to work on. When you overcome your challenges, you have true inner leadership and can be a role model for others.



Mindshift #3

Too often, people place their faith in others to make them happy or help them survive at work. When others don’t act or behave in the way we desire, we can feel a variety of emotions such as anger, disappointment, disgust, sadness, and hurt.

But the truth is, you are responsible for your own feelings. No one but you is in charge of your happiness, life situations, relationships, financial abundance, health and everything else in your life. You may have been a victim in childhood but as an adult you have the power to choose. You choose growth and recovery. You have the power to feel or escape your feelings now. You chose to feel. And you have the power to decide who has power over you. 

When you consistently take FULL responsibility for everything in your life you suddenly open up to a whole world of happiness and options. And it all starts in your mind and how you think about things. Are you taking responsibility for what you actually think? 


I’m going to let you in on a little secret 

You may have been keeping yourself in the dark thinking you should just be grateful to be working and kidding yourself with excuses but now you know too much. There is a way forward. And it is not through trying to find another job. It’s not about changing the circumstances of your current situation. The path forward is an internal shift.

It’s an inside job. It’s about becoming super conscious of your inner voice and
learning how to manage it to make it work FOR you. And when it doesn’t, you can actually shut. it. down.

When you become your own best friend, learn to create your vision, and focus on the best strategy and plan for you, THEN will things begin to manifest much faster. Then your situation will change. When you have the knowledge and practice of how to control your mind, physical state, and focus, only then will your outer life change into what you’ve always dreamed it could be. 

When you create your future in a job you love you will:


  • Feel a greater sense of happiness and fulfillment in life
  • Break free of your limitations and expand in all ways
  • Deepen your connection with your intuitive self and inner wisdom
  • Awaken your inner leader
  • Have the confidence to step into the next best version of yourself
  • Have a specific plan of action and know how to implement your plan
  • Have a strong support group to cheer you on the road to happy destiny
  • Transform into the person you know you have the potential to be
  • Increase your ability to receive a greater level of abundance in your life
  • Strengthen and deepen your relationships at work and with those you love
  • Deal with conflict in a way that can be productive
  • Expand your awareness of your emotional intelligence
  • Step into a new job or business that you love and are happy to work at everyday

Introducing a Self-Elevating Experience


Janine had been out of work for 18 months when she began the Recovery@Work program in October of 2020 and within 5 weeks had secured a position as an LPN doing what she loves.

When MJ started the Recovery@Work program she was looking for part-time work in accounting and within 4 weeks found a job as an Office Manager. She is also creating her own business on the side so she can work for herself.

Here's what you get in this transformational program

This course will help you know how to create your brightest future with confidence and clarity. You will work in a job or company where you will be appreciated and valued, not stuck or unhappy in your current unfulfilling job. Or you can create your own gig, become a consultant and start your own company. It’s all up to you.

This will help you to thrive in recovery within your career to build a bigger income, make a bigger impact and improve on all the relationships in your life. This is a course for you to create the next greatest version of yourself so you can live up to your full potential and thrive.

Module 1: Transformation, Self-Care, and Personality

1.1 Welcome to Your Transformation
1.2 Self-Care and Thought Observation
1.3 Set the Foundation by Creating a Daily Practice
1.4 Your Personality@Work Assessment
1.5 1-on-1 Coaching with Maureen

Module 2: Manage Your Energy and Listen to Your Intuition

2.1 How the Universe Works
2.2 The 7-Step Creation Process
2.3 The Power of Gratitude
2.4 Your Higher Self/Spirit Voice
2.5 Time to Practice Manifesting
2.6 VIPs get 1-on-1 Coaching with Maureen

Module 3: Making Better Decisions for Yourself

3.1 Know Your Values
3.2 How will You serve?
3.3 What do you want?
3.4 VIPs get 1-on-1 Coaching with Maureen

Module 4: Beliefs – Cleaning Up Your Past Will Reboot Your Future

4.1 Beliefs Inventory of Parents and Shifting into Greater Empowerment
4.2 Patterns and How to Change Them
4.3 Reprogramming Your Beliefs
4.4 VIPs get 1-on-1 Coaching with Maureen

Module 5: Forgiveness – The Key to Your Empowerment

5.1 Forgiveness Benefits You Receive
5.2 The Process of Letting Go
5.3 Practice Forgiveness
5.4 VIPs get 1-on-1 Coaching with Maureen

Module 6: Vision, Strategy & Plan Your Career

6.1 Craft Your Vision
6.2 Define Your Strategy
6.3 Planning Your Course of Action
6.4 VIPs get 1-on-1 Coaching with Maureen

Module 7: Overcoming Fears & Excuses While Executing Your Plan

7.1 Dealing with Fear, Failure, and Success
7.2 Recognizing Your Inner Critic
7.3 Shut Down the Voice in 5 Steps
7.4 Overcome Obstacles and Take Action
7.5 VIPs get 1-on-1 Coaching with Maureen

Here's what you're getting when you enroll in the Self-Study program:

Recovery@Work Online Course which includes:

7 Modules

24 Lessons in Video Format

9 Worksheets


24 Page Personality Profile Report

1 Hour Coaching Session with Maureen

Value $1,600

Here's what you're getting when you enroll in the VIP Coaching Program:

Recovery@Work Online Course which includes:

7 Modules

24 Lessons in Video Format

9 Worksheets


24 Page Personality Profile Report

12 Hour Coaching Session with Maureen

Value $4,200

When you enroll,
you'll get access to everything for:

Option 1:
Self-Study Program

One Time Payment

You get the full online course plus the bonus and 1 individual zoom coaching session with Maureen

Option 2:
VIP Coaching
4 x $550

You get the full online course plus 12 individual (1-on-1) zoom coaching sessions with Maureen.

(Total Payment $2200)

About your instructor Maureen Ross Gemme . . .

When I hit bottom at 24, I was broken, sad yet hopeful enough to reach out for help. I got the support I needed and changed EVERYTHING about my life. I was an alcoholic and drug addict since the age of 14 so I had to change my attitude, my thinking and begin working on becoming a better person. In the years since I stopped drinking, I’ve learned to deal with my inner critic and deal with my emotions. The more I learned about myself the better everything around me became. I learned how to change my beliefs about what was possible in my life and I created a fantastic career for myself. 

I feel I am uniquely qualified to teach this course because I’ve used the principles that I teach to overcome many obstacles and I’ve achieved much success in my life

For example: 

  1. I worked through my fears and limitations growing in a professional corporate environment (professional career)
  2. Fell in love and raised a family and have been married since 1988 (relationship)
  3. Ran three 1/2 marathons and continue to exercise daily (physical health and discipline)
  4. Worked full time, went back to school and earned my BS in Psychology and MS in Education (Magna Cum Laude)
  5. Started a life coaching practice (entrepreneur)
  6. Founded Emerge Leadership Academy and have trained over 3000 students in my career (leadership and training)
  7. Overcame significant money challenges, paid off debt (finances)
  8. Wrote a book called Emerge: 7 Steps to Transformation (No matter what life throws at you!)  -#1 Best Seller on Amazon (author)
  9. Became a speaker and personality expert in Everything DiSC (i) and I’m an Authorized Partner. I’m also qualified in MBTI (ENFJ) and Enneagram (7)
  10. I have a daily spiritual practice: Meditate, Course in Miracles Student, 12 Steps Sponsor (Spirituality)
  11. I know how to have fun! I’m a Grandmother of 5, cross country motorcycle adventurer, enthusiastic about life!

How to know if you're ready for Recovery@Work

  1. You’ve been working at a rotten or unfulfilling job and you’re feeling stuck.
  2. You have tried a lot of external “fixes” and nothing has worked to change the situation in which you feel stuck.
  3. You are a high achiever and are willing to dig deeper into knowing who you are because you want to play a bigger game in the world.
  4. You are thinking of getting into a leadership position and are wondering if you have what it takes to manage and develop others.
  5. You are in recovery or growing in self-awareness and you are ready to step into the spotlight and shine your best self.
  6. You are self-aware and excited because you know you have to master your inner voice and you’re ready.
  7. You are already in a leadership position but want to get to the next level.
  8. You know you have changes you need to make in your life and you feel certain you can do it if you had a path and a little help.
  9. You want to move past your fear so you can move forward with confidence with a goal that has been laying dormant. 

If you said “yes” to any of these statements then let’s get you started! I can’t wait to meet you inside 



Recovery@Work VIP Program $2200
(One-time payment or 4 monthly installments of $550)

You get the full course plus 12 individual (1-on-1) zoom coaching sessions with Maureen.
Don’t waste another precious moment living an unfulfilling life.

Get started today!


          Emerge Leadership Academy, LLC       All Rights Reserved                         Terms of Participation in Recovery@Work

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