What Are Your Aspirations?

Do you have aspirations?

An aspiration by definition is “the hope or ambition of achieving something.” In medical terms it means “the action or process of drawing breath.” (per Google)

As an individual I have many aspirations and I’m sure you do too. In order to break out of mass consciousness we’ve got to have the discipline to aspire to achieve that which makes our heart sing.

This isn’t always easy because the conditioning we received as children and in school in many cases programmed us to easily get sucked back into mass consciousness.

So although we aspire to be more than we are we are constantly struggling against getting pulled back. We also have our own fears which can stop us from moving forward. So you’ve got to really have a strong vision to hold in your mind that inspires you if you have big aspirations.


In order to resist getting sucked back in you must have some will power and discipline. What this means is you have a plan and then follow it one step at a time even if you don’t “feel” like it. Can you give yourself a command and follow it? Following your own commands will get you to step out of your conditioned thinking and be the awesome individual that you know you can be.

By taking simple small steps on a daily basis, in time, you will move forward into full expression of who you really are. This can work in any area of your life, i.e. in relationships, in finances, in creating art, building a house, running a marathon, getting a degree, planting a garden, raising a child, building a business, and the list goes on an on.

Holding the vision

When I was 22 years old I was going to college and had about 15 credits behind me and after 5 more years I had built up to 34 credits. All I saw was a long tough road ahead because I was looking at the end goal instead of the next step ahead. My vision wasn’t strong enough at the time. I needed 120 credits and it took me 10 years just to get the first 30! I needed some time off but I never gave up in my vision.

I turned my attention to other things. I fell in love and we started a family. I landed a great job with a good company and volunteered in the community.

I achieved some pretty significant goals along the way and and I found my voice. I changed jobs within my company every 2 years because if I wasn’t growing I wanted to move on and I learned to enjoy the process and live in the moment.

Eventually I went back to school when I turned 41 and one step at a time, I graduated with a degree in Psychology after 4 years, while working full time. I took the fast path because I used the 34 credits I already had, and I spent 3 months documenting all my life experience at work for which I was awarded 21 credits! (That’s 7 classes I didn’t have to take.)

The point is that I just kept on moving and even though I took a break from school between 27 – 41,  I was just doing it my own way. There are many schools that will give you credit for your life experience.

Then I went on to get my Masters in Education and yes it took me another 3 years but it was just one or two courses at a time. It’s very manageable if you just take one step.

I achieved my vision of getting that degree in 2008 and it’s been 10 years that I’ve been applying what I learned.


I’ve read that to have Mastery in anything you need to spend about 10,000 hours doing it. That always sounded hard to me but really it is easy! You just do the next thing on your path. You can plan forever. You can dream till the cows come home. But it’s the doing and taking action that will get you there every single time.

The challenge is to face your fears and do it anyway. The toughest part is to get control of your mind. Practice by giving yourself a command and then follow through.

So figure out what you aspire to achieve and why you want it.

  1. Create a vision
  2. Craft a plan
  3. Practice discipline by taking steps towards the goal and facing your fears.

It will work every time!

You are literally aspiring every moment your draw a breath! Don’t waste your time on this earth. Step up and take action and aspire to be all that you can be.

Life is too short and the time is now.

Book a call with me if you want help.  https://maureenrg.youcanbook.me

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