10 Ways to Enjoy More Luxury

Do You Realize What You’ve Got?

I’ve been thinking about luxury a bit recently. I went to see Rocketman last weekend which is the story of Elton John’s life, his rise to fame and fortune and his ultimate transition into recovery.

It was quite a show! I loved it. I never saw Elton John in concert but when you have that kind of money you spend it on all kinds of material things and luxury. He had the wildest wardrobe, headdresses, shoes and of course, the glasses.

I used to think that luxury was acquired only through material wealth and I always wanted more. I used to focus on what I didn’t have. I focused on what I was lacking. And guess what? I got more of that.

Then I shifted. I realized it is essential if we strive to make more money, accumulate savings, upgrade living situations, acquire better things or travel in style, I would have to live as though I have all already.

By definition it would seem that luxury is a “condition of abundance or great ease and comfort, but not absolutely necessary.” It’s also described, in the Free Dictionary, as “an indulgence in something that provides pleasure and satisfaction.”

However, if you do not have peace of mind or consciousness of purpose in your life, you will not feel either pleasure or satisfaction regardless of how much money you have.

There was a scene in the movie when Elton had his parents and their friends from the UK come to Los Angeles where Elton owned a huge house, for a visit.

Moments before they arrived, Elton got in a big nasty fight with someone (I won’t tell you who because you need to see this movie) and then his mum shows up.

Next scene Elton is sitting in his room drinking. He looks out the window on a big party going on in the yard, around the pool, with everyone smiling soaking up the luxury but he is miserable. He hates himself and he hates his life. In fact he tries to end it . . . unsuccessfully obviously.

Money and material things do not necessarily equal wealth and certainly don’t guarantee happiness. We’ve all seen people who seemingly “have it all” but aren’t happy or fulfilled in any way.

I believe that when you find the happiness within you and the peace you get when you are in alignment with who you really are and you live with integrity to your values, then you are indeed a wealthy person.

Then the money doesn’t matter as much. However, with money, we can make a bigger impact. So if you are one of those that strives for more of that, then bathe in the luxury and abundance all around you.

Can you come up with a list of at least 10 small luxuries you can add to your daily life that don’t cost much, if anything, and would make your day just that much more sweet?

What do you luxuriate in? Here is my list of 10 easy ways I add pleasure and satisfaction to my days:

  • Pick fresh lettuce from the garden for dinner or cut flowers for the kitchen table
  • Savor a piece of Ghirardelli chocolate as it slowly melts in my mouth
  • Meet a friend for a lunch, enjoy every bite and either grieve or celebrate (or both) with her
  • Get my nails painted or my hair done
  • Relax in a hot tub and look for shooting stars
  • Ride down a country road and feast my eyes on the colors of summer
  • Meditate before I start the day listening to the birds chirping and the wind blowing
  • Take a walk with my partner and discuss all the things we love about our life (feel the sunshine on my face too)
  • Plan a special meal for my family, cook it with love and gratitude, add something special like beautiful music or love notes under the plate.
  • Hug and kiss my grandchildren whenever I can! What a luxury indeed.

Gratitude makes everything more pleasurable.

In truth it is only in focusing on gratitude for what we have that even more seems to come to us.

How many of you fall into bed and say “Thank God for this bed!” I’m assuming most of you do. That’s the spirit of what I’m talking about.

Elton John has now been clean and sober for 28 years (I have 34) and he has all the luxury that life can offer. Not because he has money, but because he has love, peace, purpose and most recently children.

Enjoy the luxuries of summer,


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