Resilience is a must have skill for living happy
I got my day all planned out and I’m looking forward to it: a couple of podcast interviews, one where I’m the guest, a coaching call and I’ll spend an hour on networking. I’m eating breakfast when I get the phone call. Someone in my family needs me.
It won’t take too long but I’ve got to reschedule a few things so I say, “Yes, I can help.”
This is one example of what flexibility looks like.
I know some of you may not have that luxury being able to change your day around to help someone else. I remember those days when I really resisted having to reschedule stuff. Like it had to be super important or an emergency.
You know what this is like if you live in a family with two working parents with kids. Sometimes they get sick and someone had to stay home.
I remember this is one of the rare things that Paul and I would sometimes argue over. Who could stay home with our sick child?
We both felt like our job was really important.
I swear I can only just imagine how difficult it was during the pandemic when BOTH parents AND the kids had to be home in lockdown and still try to work while somehow taking care of the kids!
I must say I was so grateful to be past the family stage in my life when the pandemic hit. I had other problems but not that. Talk about lessons in flexibility! I saw so many stories on social media about that “flexibility” challenge. That right there takes some real skill.
I don’t know about you but it’s hard for me to say “no” sometimes, yet I must have those boundaries. I do say no when I’m not feeling well, have deadlines to meet or have already rescheduled something once or twice.
It’s not easy when life throws these curve balls and problems do continue to crop up in life. Sometimes I think life is actually about solving the little problems that come up. No one really just has smooth sailing all the time. All things change over time.
What I do know is that everything happens for my highest good. This is one of my core beliefs and it really works to get me into feeling acceptance.
Acceptance is the answer to resistance. When we resist our problems, the curve balls, or the unexpected twists in our day, we are NOT in acceptance and it’s much harder to get through the challenges.
But I promise, that if you take care of yourself, and put yourself first on a consistent basis, you can be more flexible, handle things better, come to the rescue when needed and be resilient.
Remember to also ask for help from your peeps when YOU need it and you’ll get back even more than what you give.
Be a role model for flexibility and resilience. And speaking of role models . . .
On the podcast this week . . .
My guest on the podcast this week is Sabrina Victoria, a podcast host, speaker and coach. Sabrina didn’t start off living her dream, in fact she was living in a nightmare during her early adult years. She was abandoned by her family and friends, had a baby and had to figure everything out for herself. Alone.
Sabrina took help from the first person who offered and found herself in an abusive relationship where she was stuck with nowhere to turn. For a while she turned to alcohol to cope and then she turned into a fitness fanatic, but she kept learning and growing instead of turning to suicide (which was a daily thought).
Sabrina is an incredible role model who bounced back from the depths of despair several times yet she never gave up.
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Sabrina came out on the other side of adversity and it made her into the successful entrepreneur that she is today.
This episode is so inspiring. It reminds me that there is nothing I cannot do if I don’t give up and continue to persist.
Thanks for listening and for striving to be the best you.
Maureen xo
P.S. If you need help with dealing with what life is throwing at you, get on my calendar for a complimentary call by clicking here.