“If you’re at a crossroads in your career and are looking to take a quantum leap in your professional growth and are looking for a better, safer and happier place to work where you can add value and be appreciated, then you already know that you need to be consistently in personal growth mode.”
You’ve worked hard to get where you are. You’ve overcome a lot of obstacles and you are respected in your field. People come to you for support and you help, naturally, because it’s part of who vou are to serve people. Sometimes though, it feels like you may be undervalued for the amount of support you give. You realized recently (or for longer than you’d care to admit) that you’ve hit a wall and you are so done with this job. You are not happy. You want more but you’re tired and burnt out. Especially with all that’s gone on with the pandemic you may not want to rock the boat at work. Maybe you’ve looked at the job postings but are not sure how to make the next move. But you KNOW you have more to offer but feel stuck. Perhaps there is someone at work that is making things miserable for you.

Enrollment starting February 8th, 2021
I’m still getting the final details of this 8 week group coaching course together and putting the bonuses together for you. But in the meantime, I’ve created a live masterclass to give you some ideas on improving your situation and to see if Recovery@Work might be right for you! It’s going to be held on:
February 8, 2021, at 1:00 PM EST.
Click the link below to see what you’ll learn and to register. Even if you can’t come on that day, enroll so you’ll get the replay.
Is 2021 going to be the year you save your career?
Live Masterclass for People Who Want to Get Ahead at Work
Should You Stay Or Should You Go?
How to assess your situation, acknowledge your options, and act in your best interest to move forward in your career.